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Classification (APG IV)
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Order: Ranunculales
Family: Ranunculaceae
Genus: Anemonoides
Species: Yellow wood anemone - Anemonoides ranunculoides L.
Botanical Description
Yellow woodanemone is a perennial, monoecious herbaceous plant in the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae), genus Anemonoides. The plant grows 10–30 cm tall. The stem is (10) 20–30 cm high, erect, and nearly glabrous or sparsely hairy. The rhizome is branched, brown, and covered with membranous basal leaves, with axillary buds in their axils. The rhizome lies horizontally 1–3 cm below the surface, producing above-ground growth only from the terminal bud. The rhizome also develops adventitious roots.
The basal leaf is long-stalked, with a three-parted blade; each segment is further divided or lobed, with blunt teeth and relatively narrow lobes. Stem leaves are attached to the upper third of the flowering stem; their blades are trifoliate, with segments that are oblong-lanceolate and coarsely toothed or lobed. The leaves are hairy on the upper surface and glabrous underneath.
The plant produces bisexual flowers with a simple perianth on long peduncles. Typically, there is a single flower on each peduncle, but occasionally 2–5 flowers may appear. Flowers are yellow, 1.5–3 cm in diameter. There are no petals; the yellow perianth consists of 5 (sometimes more) sepals, which are hairy on the outer side. The plant flowers mainly in May, occasionally in April. The fruit is a hairy nutlet, 4–5 mm long, with a short, curved beak. [1,2]
Yellow wood anemone is widespread across most of Europe, including parts of Asia Minor, and narrower regions of Siberia. It has been introduced to the British Isles. In Estonia, it is common. It prefers deciduous and mixed forests, forest edges, thickets along riverbanks, stream banks, and moist forest habitats. [2]
Effects and Uses
The plant is toxic and was historically used as a poison. Kamchatka residents used it to poison arrowheads for hunting. In traditional medicine, yellow anemone has been used to treat various ailments. It is known for its narcotic, analgesic, antispasmodic, hemostatic, diuretic, and antibacterial properties. The plant contains camphor, glycosides, and ranunculin. [3]
1. 'WFO (2024): Anemonoides ranunculoides (L.) Holub. Published on the Internet; Accessed on: 04 Jan 2024.
2. Kollane ülane. (21. märts 2023). Wikipedia. Retrieved: 09:10, 4 January 2024, from
3. Domashovets, A., Khropot, O., & Konechna, R. (2023). Anemone ranunculoides L.: Analytical review of distribution, chemical composition, biological activity, and medical application (literature review). Fitoterapiia. Chasopys – Phytotherapy. Journal, 2, 79–85. doi: 10.32782/2522-9680-2023-2-77. Available at: ResearchGate.
Süstemaatiline kuuluvus (APG IV)
Riik: Taimed (Plantae)
Klaad: Soontaimed (Tracheophyta)
Klaad: Katteseemnetaimed (Angiospermae)
Klaad: Päriskaheidulehelised (Eudicotyledonae)
Selts: Tulikalaadsed (Ranunculales)
Sugukond: Tulikalised (Ranunculaceae)
Perekond: Ülane (Anemonoides)
Liik: Võsaülane - Anemonoides ranunculoides L.
Botaaniline kirjeldus
Kollane ülane on mitmeaastane ühekojaline rohttaim tulikaliste sugukonnast, perekonnast ülane. Taim kasvab 10–30 cm kõrguseks. Varre kõrgus on (10) 20-30 cm, see on püstine ja peaaegu paljas või harvem väheste karvadega. Risoom on harunenud, pruun, kilejate alalehtedega kaetud, nende kaenlas külgpungad. Risoom paikneb horisontaalselt 1-3 cm sügavusel. Maapealne taim areneb vaid tipupungast. Risoomil on lisajuured. Juurmine leht on pika rootsuga, kolmejaguse labaga, mille osad on omakorda jagused või lõhised, tömpide hammastega ja suhteliselt kitsad. Varrelehed on kinnitunud õieraos ülemisele kolmandikule, nende laba on kolmejagune, lehelaba osad piklik-süstjad ja saagjalt lõhestunud servaga. Lehed on pealt karvased ja alt paljad. Taimel on mõlemasugulised õied, mis on lahklehise õiekattega ja pika raoga. Tavaliselt on õieraos üks õis, harvemini 2 või 3-5 õit. Õied on kollased, läbimõõduga 1,5-3 cm. Kroonlehti ei ole, kollase õiekatte moodustavad 5 (vahel rohkem) tupplehte, mis on välisel küljel karvased. Õitseb tavaliselt mais, harva juba aprillis. Viljaks on lühikese kõvera nokaga karvane 4-5 mm pikkune pähklike. [1,2]
Levinud peaaegu kogu Euroopas, ka Väike-Aasias, kitsamalt Siberis, sisse toodud Briti saartele. Eestis tavaline. Eelistab leht- ja segametsasid, metsaservi, põõsastikke jõe- ja ojakallastel, salumetsas. [2]
Toime ja kasutus
Taim on mürgine, mistõttu seda kasutati varem mürgina. Kamtšatka elanikud kasutasid seda noolte mürgitamiseks ja jahipidamiseks. Taime on kasutatud rahvameditsiinis mitmete hädade vastu. Kollane ülane on tuntud oma narkootilise, valuvaigistava, spasmolüütilise, verepeatava, diureetilise ja antibakteriaalse toime poolest. Sisaldab kamprit, glükosiide ja ranunkuliini. [3]
Kasutatud allikad
1. 'WFO (2024): Anemonoides ranunculoides (L.) Holub. Published on the Internet; Accessed on: 04 Jan 2024
2. Kollane ülane. (21. märts 2023). Vikipeedia. Vaadatud: 09:10, 4. jaanuar 2024, aadressil
3. Domashovets, A., Khropot, O., & Konechna, R. (2023). Anemone ranunculoides L.: Analytical review of distribution, chemical composition, biological activity, and medical application (literature review). Fitoterapiia. Chasopys – Phytotherapy. Journal, 2, 79–85. doi: 10.32782/2522-9680-2023-2-77. Available at: ResearchGate.