/ Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool / Viltune lauk

Viltune lauk

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Lop-sided onion

Classification (APG IV)
Clade: Monocots
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Genus: Allium
Species: Lop-sided onion - Allium obliquum L.

Botanical Description
Allium plants are perennials that grow between 5 and 200 cm tall, depending on the species. They often form bulbs, and some species also produce rhizomes. The bulb coat varies by species: it can be smooth, divided into longitudinal fibers or stripes, reticulate, or have loops and holes. The simple, parallel-veined leaves are usually sessile. [2] Leaf blades range from 5–80 cm wide, depending on the species, and can be flat (0.3–15 cm wide), cylindrical (less than 0.1 cm to over 2 cm thick), or occasionally thread-like, triangular, semi-cylindrical, or divided into many thread-like segments. The inflorescence consists of a single, smooth, leafless stalk, which may vary in length. The umbellate inflorescences are sometimes almost spherical. Occasionally, bulbils form within the inflorescence. A prominent bract often protects the flowers. [1]

Lop-sided onion (Allium obliquum) is a perennial herbaceous plant that typically forms one, rarely up to three bulbs. The bulbs are elongated-oval, covered with leathery, reddish-brown scales, and measure 1–3 cm in diameter and weigh 5–20 g, depending on their age. The leaves are coiled around the stem for 2/3 of its length, with the stem itself typically 70–130 cm long. The leaves are linear, flat, 15–40 cm long, 7–20 mm wide at the base, and gradually taper to the tip. The inflorescence is a spherical umbel containing numerous yellow-green, bell-shaped flowers. [3] The flowers are bisexual with a simple, three-part perianth, and pointed tepals. The gynoecium is syncarpous and superior. There are six stamens, which are longer than the pistil. The anthers are yellow. The fruit is a nearly spherical, three-celled capsule.

The range of the twisted-leaf garlic includes Eastern Europe—Romania and the eastern part of European Russia—as well as parts of Asia, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Western Siberia, Mongolia, and Tibet. Twisted-leaf garlic prefers light and lime-rich habitats such as meadows, forest clearings in mountainous regions, riverbanks, and rocky crevices. Depending on location, the flowering period lasts from May to August. [2,3]

Effects and Uses
The entire plant repels insects and moles. [4] While specific medicinal uses for this species have not been studied, members of the Allium genus are generally considered highly nutritious dietary supplements. They contain a variety of sulfur compounds (e.g., alliin), which give them their characteristic onion flavor and aroma. Regular dietary inclusion can help lower blood cholesterol levels, act as a digestive system tonic, and strengthen the circulatory system. [5]

1. Choi H., J. & Hugo J., C. (2010). A taxonomic revision of Allium (Alliaceae) in Canadian prairie provinces. Botany, 88, 787–809.
2.Leht, M. (2007). Eesti taimede määraja. EMÜ; Eesti Loodusfoto.
3.Böttcher, C., Bach, L.T., Stürtz, M. et al. (2023). Characterization of phytochemicals from twisted-leaf garlic (Allium obliquum L.) using liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Metabolomics, 19(89). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11306-023-02054-2.
4.Riotte, L. (1978). Companion Planting for Successful Gardening. Garden Way, Vermont, USA. ISBN: 0-88266-064-0.
5.Böttcher, C., Bach, L.T., Stürtz, M. et al. (2023). Characterization of phytochemicals from twisted-leaf garlic (Allium obliquum L.) using liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Metabolomics, 19(89). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11306-023-02054-2.

Viltune lauk

Süstemaatiline kuuluvus (APG IV)
Riik: Taimed (Plantae)
Klaad: Soontaimed (Tracheophyta)
Klaad: Katteseemnetaimed (Angiospermae)
Klaad: Üheidulehelised (Monocotyledon)
Selts: Asparilaadsed (Asparagales)
Sugukond: Amarüllilised (Amaryllidaceae)
Perekond: Lauk(Allium)
LiikViltune lauk- Allium obliquum L.

Botaaniline kirjeldus
Laugud on püsikud, mis olenevalt liigist kasvavad 5–200 cm kõrguseks. Sageli moodustavad nad sibulaid, osa liike ka risoome. Sibula kest on olenevalt liigist sile, pikikiududesse kuni -triipudesse jagunenud, võrkjas või silmustega kuni aukudega. Rööproodsed lihtlehed on enamasti rootsuta. [2] Lehelabad on olenevalt liigist 5–80 cm laiused ning kas lamedad 0,3–15 cm laiused või ruljad alla 0,1 cm kuni üle 2 cm paksused, harvem niitjad, kolmekandilised, poolruljad või jagunenud paljudeks niitjateks narmasteks. Moodustub üks pikem või lühem sile ja lehtedeta õisikuvarb. Sarikõisikud on mõnikord peaaegu kerakujulised. Mõnikord moodustuvad õisikutes sigisibulad. Sageli esineb suur kõrgleht, mis kaitseb õisi. [1]

Viltune lauk on mitmeaastane rohttaim, kes tavaliselt moodustab ühe, harvem kuni kolm sibulat. Sibulad on piklik-ovaalse kujuga ja neid katavad on nahkjad ning punakaspruunid soomused. Olenevalt vanusest on nende läbimõõdud 1–3 cm ja kaal 5–20 g. Leht on rullunud 2/3 ulatuses ümber varre, viimane on tavaliselt 70–130 cm pikk. Lehed on lineaarsed, lamedad, 15–40 cm pikad, alusel 7–20 mm laiad ja järk-järgult otsani ahenevad. Õisik on kerakujulise sarika, milles on palju kollakasrohelisi kerajalt kellukjaid õisi. [3] Õis on mõlemasooline. Õiekate on lihtne, kolmetine, õiekattelehed on teravatipulised. Emakkond on tsönokarpne, ülemise paigutusega. Tolmukaid on kuus - need on emakast pikemad. Tolmukapead kollased. Vili on peaaegu kerajas kolmeviljalehine kupar.

Leviala hõlmab Ida-Euroopat - Rumeeniat ja idaosa Euroopa Venemaast; Aasiat - Kasahstani, Kõrgõzstani, Lääne-Siberit, Mongooliat ja Tiibetit. Viltune lauk on valgus- ja lubjalembene taim, kes kasvukohana eelistab elupaiku nagu niidud, mägede metsalood, mägijõgede kaldad kaljulõhed. Sõltuvalt asukohast kestab õitsemise periood maist kuni augustini. [2,3]

Toime ja kasutamine
Terve taim peletab putukaid ja mutte. [4] Kuigi selle liigi kohta pole spetsiifilisi meditsiinilisi kasutusviise uuritud, on selle perekonna liikmed üldiselt väga tervislikud toidulisandid. Nad sisaldavad suurt hulka erinevaid väävliühendeid (nt. alliini) (mis annavad neile sibula maitse ja aroomi) ja kui neid regulaarselt toidule lisada, aitavad nad vähendada vere kolesteroolitaset, toimivad seedesüsteemi toonikuna ja tugevdavad ka vereringesüsteemi. [5]

Kasutatud allikad
1. Choi H., J. & Hugo J., C. (2010). A taxonomic revision of Allium (Alliaceae) in Canadian prairie provinces. Botany, 88, 787-809.
2. Leht, M. (2007). Eesti taimede määraja. EMÜ; Eesti Loodusfoto.
3. Böttcher, C., Bach, L.T., Stürtz, M. et al. Characterization of phytochemicals from twisted-leaf garlic (Allium obliquum L.) using liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Metabolomics 19, 89 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11306-023-02054-2
4. Riotte, L. (1978). Companion Planting for Successful Gardening. Garden Way, Vermont, USA. ISBN: 0-88266-064-0.
5. Böttcher, C., Bach, L.T., Stürtz, M. et al. (2023). Characterization of phytochemicals from twisted-leaf garlic (Allium obliquum L.) using liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Metabolomics, 19(89). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11306-023-02054-2.