/ Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool / Turkestani tulp

Turkestani tulp

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Turkestani tulp

Süstemaatiline kuuluvus (APG IV)
Riik: Taimed (Plantae)
Klaad: Soontaimed (Tracheophyta)
Klaad: Katteseemnetaimed (Angiospermae)
Klaad: Üheidulehelised (Monocotyledon)
Selts: Liilialaadsed / Liliales
Sugukond: Liilialised / Liliaceae
Perekond: Tulp / Tulipa
Liik: Turkestani tulp / Tulipa sylvestris var. turkestanica Regel  

Botaaniline kirjeldus
Turkestani tulp on metstulbi endeemne varieteet. Taim kuulub liilialiste sugukonda. Maaaluse osa moodustab sibul, ning selle ümber moodustuvad tütarsibulad. Nahkjas sibul on erkpunakaspruun ja karvase kattega. Õievars on 10-15 cm pikk. Lehti on igal sibulal 2-4, need on lineaarsed, elliptilised, terava tipulised ja terve servaga ning rööproodsed. Lehed on kuni 2 cm laiused. Leheservad ja -tipud on roosakat värvi. Õiekate lihtne, kolmetine. Õiekrooni moodustavad otsast teravatipulised ja väheste karvakestega kaetud õiekattelehed. Need on elevandiluuvalged kuni roosakaspunased, alusel kollase kuni oranži laiguga, mis ulatub umbes kolmandikuni õiest. Tolmukaid on 6. Tolmukaniidid on oranžid ja tolmukad tumelillad või kollased lilla tipuga. Emakas kolmeviljalehine, tsönokarpne. Õis lõhnab "ebameeldivalt" ja viljub harva. Vili on kupar. Paljuneb valdavalt vegetatiivselt tütarsibulate abil. [1,2] 

Turkestani tulbi leiab Pamir Alai'st ja Tien Shan'ist; Kasahstanist, Kõrgõzstanist, Usbekistanist, Turkestanist, Iraanist ja Hiina loodeosas asuvast Džungariast. Ta kasvab kividel nõlvadel, jõgede äärtes ja kaljuservadel 1800 kuni 2500 meetri kõrgusel merepinnast. [2] 

Toime ja kasutamine
Kasvatatakse ilutaimena.

Kasutatud allikad
1. WFO (2023): Tulipa sylvestris L. Published on the Internet;http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000746765. Accessed on: 31 Dec 2023
2. Wikipedia contributors. (2023, March 23). Tulipa turkestanica. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 06:02, December 31, 2023, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tulipa_turkestanica&oldid=1146266304

Turkestan tulip

Classification (APG IV)
Order: Liliales
Species: Turkestan tulip - Tulipa turkestanica Regel

Botanical Description
The Turkestan tulip (Tulipa turkestanica) is an endemic variety of the woodland tulip. It belongs to the family Liliaceae. Its underground part is a bulb, surrounded by daughter bulbs. The leathery bulb is bright reddish-brown and covered with hairy scales. The flower stem is 10–15 cm tall. Each bulb produces 2–4 linear to elliptical leaves, which are sharp-tipped, entire-edged, and parallel-veined, with a width of up to 2 cm. The leaf edges and tips are pinkish in color.

The perianth is simple and trimerous. The tepals, which form the flower's perianth, are pointed at the tip, sparsely hairy, and range in color from ivory white to pinkish red. They feature a yellow to orange basal blotch that extends about a third of the way up the flower. There are six stamens, with orange filaments and anthers that are either dark purple or yellow with purple tips. The pistil is syncarpous, trilocular. The flower has a notably "unpleasant" scent and rarely produces fruit. The fruit, when present, is a capsule. The plant primarily reproduces vegetatively through daughter bulbs. [1,2]

The Turkestan tulip is found in the Pamir-Alai and Tien Shan mountains, including regions of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkestan, Iran, and northwestern China in Dzungaria. It grows on rocky slopes, riverbanks, and cliff edges at elevations of 1,800 to 2,500 meters above sea level. [2]

Effects and Uses
The Turkestan tulip is cultivated as an ornamental plant.

1. WFO (2023): Tulipa sylvestris L. Published on the Internet; http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000746765. Accessed on: 31 Dec 2023.
2. Wikipedia contributors. (2023, March 23). Tulipa turkestanica. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 06:02, December 31, 2023, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tulipa_turkestanica&oldid=1146266304.